School Philosophy
We believe that students with dyslexia have abilities and gifts that our society needs.
While respecting these strengths and imparting the knowledge that will unlock their academic potential, we will serve both the students and our community as a whole. Literacy is a priority. Students experience a literature-rich environment that will develop their reading and writing skills while emphasizing analysis and creativity.
All students will receive Orton-Gillingham/Practical Linguistics instruction. Across the curriculum in subjects including math, science and social studies, lessons are adapted to meet the reading levels of the students so that students can access the curriculum at their appropriate grade level. We believe that students excel when they are able to organize their materials and manage their time appropriately. Thus, the school makes it a priority to ensure that our students receive close monitoring and instruction in these areas.

Our school is a demonstration school for the Great Word House™, an Orton-Gillingham based curriculum. Our teacher-training institute provides trainees with an opportunity to observe classroom instruction and mentors teachers during their supervised practicum. Our teachers are certified by the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators (AOGPE) and by the Canadian Dyslexia Society (CDS). Keeping parents and students involved in the evaluation of their child’s progress is essential to maintaining focus and motivation.
Student progress will be tracked using a variety of standardized and informal evaluation tools including criterion, curriculum and norm referenced assessments. Finally, the school welcomes parent involvement and believes a school is a community of students, teachers and parents. Close communication is key in this involvement. Through the Parent Council, The Claremont Newsletter, Open Houses, and school events, the staff at The Claremont School seeks a close collaboration with the families of our students.

Our Mission
To empower students with dyslexia to become independent and successful learners.

Our Motto
Per Ardua Surgo “Through Difficulties I Arise”
Please Consider Donating
The Claremont Dyslexia Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation providing bursaries and grants for students with dyslexia. Call 416-778-6336 or contact us for more information.