Consultation and Assessment
Claremont Educational Services, Inc. (CES) offers a full spectrum of consultation services for parents seeking to identify appropriate remediation strategies for students struggling at school. With early identification of literacy deficits, students can receive focused interventions that will address their specific needs and provide effective remediation.
The consultation service may include a review of reports, including psycho-educational assessments, to determine appropriate programs and remedial services for the student. Alternatively, we can provide formal testing to investigate the nature of possible learning deficits.
Assessment Services
CES provides language and math assessments consisting of formal and informal testing tools. Written reports include remedial strategies and programs where appropriate. Parents can choose between Dyslexia Screening, where key issues associated with dyslexia are assessed, or an in-depth Language Assessment. Our Education Assessments include Language and Mathematics.
If your child is having difficulty remembering letter names or sounds, learning to read and spell, difficulty remembering math facts or focusing in class, he or she should be tested as soon as possible. The earlier an identification of dyslexia is made, the more effective the appropriate remediation will be.
Testing consists of two phases: Academic and Psychological.
- Academic The Academic Educational Assessment uses formal and informal tests to determine whether your child has a developmental delay compared to other children of the same age.Our tests include:
- Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-III (WIAT-III)
- Lindamood Bell Auditory Conceptualization Test 3 (LAC-3)
- Comprehensive Test of Phonemic Processing (CTOPP) for phonological awareness
- Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE) for word attack skills and processing speed
- Test of Written Language (TOWL-4) for written language
- EVT-2 and PPVT-4 are used to assess oral expressive and receptive language. You will receive a written report which is confidential and you may choose to share this with your child’s school or keep it for your own records. Recommendations for remedial teaching or therapy will be made.
- Psychological If the results of the Academic Educational Assessment are lower than expected for the student’s age, we may refer you to a psychologist or doctor for further intelligence testing using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – IV (WISC-IV).A qualified psychologist is the only professional who can make a diagnosis of dyslexia.
Assessment Service Fees
- Consultation$150/hour
- Dyslexia Screening$350/hou
- Language Assessment$1000/ho
- Educational Assessment (Language and Math)$1500/ho
- Professional Communication (Letters, Forms)$100/hour